| 1 | 1. | | Special Presentations, Introductions | Recognition for the 50th Anniversary of Metro Golf Cars | | |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Special Presentations, Introductions | Recognition to Camp Fire | | |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Special Presentations, Introductions | Recognition to the ILT Keller Marine Corps JROTC | | |
Action details
M&C 24-0857
| 1 | 1. | | General Consent | (ALL) Adopt the Semi-Annual Progress Report for Transportation Impact Fees
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0860
| 1 | 2. | | General Consent | (ALL) Authorize Participation in a Single Participant Local Government Investment Pool as an Investment Option and Authorize the Execution of Agreements with Public Trust Advisors, LLC and UMB Bank, N.A. for Administering the Investment Pool with No Additional Fees
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0862
| 1 | 3. | | General Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Agreement with DreamWizard, Inc. for Private Lot Mowing Services in an Annual Amount Up to $400,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four One-Year Renewal Options for the Same Annual Amount for the Code Compliance Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0868
| 1 | 4. | | General Consent | (CD 8) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Municipal Airport Capital Projects Fund in an Amount of $861,000.00 Transferred from the Municipal Airport Fund for the East-Side Taxilane Kilo Rehabilitation Project at Fort Worth Spinks Airport and Amend the Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0870
| 1 | 5. | | General Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the Agreement with SID Tool Co., Inc. dba MSC Industrial Supply Company Using BuyBoard Cooperative Contract 657-21 for Building Maintenance, Repair, and Operating Supplies to Increase the Annual Amount by $450,000.00 for a New Annual Amount Up to $1,550,000.00 for All City Departments
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0871
| 1 | 6. | | General Consent | (CD 2) Authorize Execution of an Agreement Terminating City Secretary Contract No. 58013, an Administration Office Building Lease Agreement Including Mandatory Improvements with S & B Inc. (dba) WG Henschen for Suite 340 Located at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0889
| 1 | 7. | | General Consent | (ALL) Authorize Rejection of All Bids Received for the Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC) Richardson Bass Sound System Upgrade Project (City Project No. 101740) for the Public Events Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0892
| 1 | 8. | | General Consent | (ALL) Adjust Appropriations in the Public Events Capital and Grants Capital Projects Federal Funds for Public Events Capital Projects; Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0896
| 1 | 9. | | General Consent | (CD 2, CD 3, CD 5, CD 6, CD 7, CD 8, CD 9 and CD 11) Approve Allocations from the American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to Provide Additional Funding for the Grand Ave Sidewalk Project and for the Trinity Metro Bus Pad Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances, and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0897
| 1 | 10. | | General Consent | (CD 9) Authorize the Rejection of All Responses to Request for Proposal No. ENV-24-01 for the Installation of Mooring Pilings for the Trinity River Waterwheel Initiative Project for the Environmental Services Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0903
| 1 | 11. | | General Consent | (CD 10) Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 "Motor Vehicles and Traffic," Article III "Operation of Vehicles," Section 22-86 "Speeding," Subsection (i) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas (2015), as Amended, to Adjust the Speed Limits of Certain Speed Zones, Specifically, Along State Highway 170 between Interstate Highway 35W and the Fort Worth/Westlake City Limits
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0907
| 1 | 12. | | General Consent | (CD 5) Ratify the Temporary Closure of a Section of Craig Street between Northbound Frontage Road 820 and Haynie Street from September 9, 2024 to December 2, 2024 for Construction Activities
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0909
| 1 | 13. | | General Consent | (CD 11) Authorize the Temporary Closure of a Section of Craig Street between Southbound Frontage Road 820 and Putnam Street from December 2, 2024 to January 27, 2025 for Construction Activities
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0910
| 1 | 14. | | General Consent | (CD 5) Ratify the Temporary Closure of a Section of Eastland Street between Northbound Frontage Road 820 and South Cravens Road from August 28, 2024 to September 28, 2024 for Construction Activities
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0911
| 1 | 15. | | General Consent | (CD 7) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Provide Additional Funding for the West Bailey Boswell Road Project from Boat Club Road to East of Wind River Drive in the Amount of $190,861.00 and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0912
| 1 | 16. | | General Consent | (CD 5) Ratify the Temporary Closure of a Section of Truman Drive between Southbound Frontage Road 820 (S. Cravens Road) and Hooks Lane from September 4, 2024 to October 9, 2024 for Construction Activities
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0913
| 1 | 17. | | General Consent | (CD 11) Ratify the Temporary Closure of a Section of Eastland Street between Southbound Frontage Road 820 and Radford Road from September 2, 2024 to October 2, 2024 for Construction Activities
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0917
| 1 | 18. | | General Consent | (ALL) Adopt Appropriation Ordinances Allocating $2,500,000.00 from Capital Project Services Fund Available Net Position for the Purpose of Funding the 2026 Bond Development Project; and Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0863
| 1 | 1. | | Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with A&B Environmental Services, Inc. dba A&B Laboratories, ALS Group USA Corp, Eurofins Environment Testing South Central, LLC, and Southern Petroleum Laboratories, Inc to Provide Laboratory Analytical Services at Testing Facilities for the Water Department in an Estimated Combined Annual Amount Up to $600,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four One-Year Renewals in Amounts Up to $690,000.00 for the First Renewal, $793,500.00 for the Second Renewal, $912,525.00 for the Third Renewal, and $1,049,403.00 for the Fourth Renewal
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0867
| 1 | 2. | | Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent | (ALL) Authorize Non-Exclusive Purchase Agreements with US Foods, Inc., and Sysco Corporation Using Sourcewell Cooperative Contract Numbers 040522-USF and 040522-SYC for the Purchase of Food Products, Supplies, and Equipment in a Combined Annual Amount Up to $420,000.00 and Authorize Two One-Year Renewal Options for the Same Amount for City Departments
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0904
| 1 | 1. | | Land Consent | (CD 7) Authorize the Conveyance of Easements and Rights-of-Way to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, being Approximately 3.179 Acres for a Substation Easement, 0.028 Acres for an Access Easement, 0.608 Acres for a Right-of-Way Easement, and 0.633 Acres for a Temporary Construction Easement in the William E. Conwell Survey, Abstract Number 342, and the BBB & C RR Co. Survey, Abstract Number 220, being a Portion of Lots 1 and 1R, Block 1, Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Subdivision, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for Electrical Equipment and Appurtenances to Serve the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0905
| 1 | 2. | | Land Consent | (CD 2) Authorize the Conveyance of an Easement and Right-of-Way to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC for Electrical Equipment and Appurtenances, being Approximately 0.0119 Acres of Land at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport, to Serve Lease Site 16C Located at 3900 Falcon Way, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76106
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0906
| 1 | 3. | | Land Consent | (CD 5) Authorize the Acquisition of 0.248 Acres in Right-of-Way Easement, 0.061 Acres in Permanent Drainage Easement, and 0.077 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement from Real Property Owned by SA Worth Holdings, LLC Located at 7151 Randol Mill Road, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76120 in the Amount of $110,762.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to $2,500.00 for a Total Cost of $113,262.00 for the Randol Mill Hazardous Road Overtopping Mitigation Project
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0852
| 1 | 1. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 5) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $443,594.00 to a Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 2021 WSM-C and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvements Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0853
| 1 | 2. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of Contract with Remont Engineering & Design Group, LLC in the Amount Not to Exceed $8,233,836.00 for Construction of Fort Worth Water SCADA Replacement and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0854
| 1 | 3. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 9) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $218,560.00 to a Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 113, Project Part 2 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvements Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0856
| 1 | 4. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 5) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 4 in the Amount of $776,100.00 to a Contract with Eagle Contracting, LLC., for the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility's Digester Improvements Project
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0859
| 1 | 5. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Ratify the Application for Federal Funds and, if Awarded, Authorize Execution of the Safe Streets for America Planning and Demonstration Grant from the United States Department of Transportation in the Amount Up to $1,250,000.00 for the Development of an Updated Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0861
| 1 | 6. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 10) Authorize Execution of a Community Facilities Agreement with Ashton Dallas Residential L.L.C., with City Participation in the Amount Not to Exceed $744,779.71, for Oversizing the Expansion of the Hunter Crossroads Lift Station and Oversizing a 10-Inch Sewer Force Main Located in North West Fort Worth, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0864
| 1 | 7. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 7) Authorize Execution of a Discretionary Services Agreement with Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC in the Amount of $1,261,986.37 for the Installation of Electrical Infrastructure and Equipment for the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Generators and Emergency Preparation Plan Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of the Water Department’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0865
| 1 | 8. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 10) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Landmark Structures I, LP in the Amount of $5,371,000.00 for Northside IV Elevated Storage Tank Project, Provide for Project Costs for a Project Total in the Amount of $5,990,228.00, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0866
| 1 | 9. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Adopt Ordinance Amending Wholesale Water and Wastewater Volume Service Rates and Amending Chapter 35 - Water and Sewers, Article III - Charges, Division 1 – Generally, Sections 35-56 (g) and (h) of the City Code With an Effective Date of Billing on or After November 1, 2024 for Usage and Flows from and After October 1, 2024 for Water and Wastewater Service
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0869
| 1 | 10. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 8) Authorize Execution of a New Ground Lease Agreement Including Mandatory Improvements for Approximately 78,199 Square Feet of Ground Space Known as Lease Site E-1 with Spinks Hangar Owners Association, Inc. at Fort Worth Spinks Airport
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0873
| 1 | 11. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 8) Authorize Execution of a New Ground Lease Agreement Including Mandatory Improvements for Approximately 37,313 Square Feet of Ground Space Known as Lease Site E-21 and Approximately 38,789 Square Feet of Ground Space Known as Lease Site E-22 with Texas Sky Harbor, LLC at Fort Worth Spinks Airport
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0874
| 1 | 12. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 2) Authorize Execution of a Three-Year Administration Building Office Lease Agreement Including Two One-Year Renewal Options with Fort Worth Jet, LLC for Suite L11 at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0875
| 1 | 13. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Employer Direct Healthcare, LLC for SurgeryPlus and Cancer Support Services in an Annual Amount Up to $450,000.00 for an Initial Term Running July 2024 to December 2027 with Two Two-Year Options to Renew for the Same Annual Amount and Ratify Expenditures in the Amount of $232,005.00 for Services Rendered January 2024 to June 2024 for the Human Resources Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0876
| 1 | 14. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 2) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 46439, a Hangar and Ground Lease Agreement known as Lease Site 51-S with FTW Hangar 51-S, LLC at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport and a Consent to Assignment of a Hangar and Ground Lease Agreement for Lease Site 51S by FTW Hangar 51-S, LLC to FTW Holdings, LLC
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0877
| 1 | 15. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Fort Worth and The Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau d/b/a Visit Fort Worth in an Amount Up to $150,000.00, for the Purpose Promoting the Motion Picture, Film and Television Industry
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0884
| 1 | 16. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 11) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 3, in the Amount of $320,270.58, to the Construction Contract with Heritage Links, a Division of Lexicon, Inc., for the Meadowbrook Golf Course Renovation Project, Increasing the Contract Amount to $11,899,359.08 (2022 Bond Program)
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0885
| 1 | 17. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 8) Authorize Execution of Agreement with the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth to Accept Funding in the Amount Up to $450,000.00 from the State of Texas for Operations of the Devoyd Jennings Business Assistance Center as Well as Renovations and Upkeep of Buildings on the James E. Guinn School Campus, Authorize Use of Interest in the Amount Up to $5,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0886
| 1 | 18. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 5) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 2, in the Amount of $785,659.20, to a Contract with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., for the Construction of CentrePort Trail Phase I Project, Increasing the Contract Amount to $7,317,993.25
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0888
| 1 | 19. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize the Purchase of a Simulation Table, Associated Software, Support, and Maintenance from Simtable LLC, in an Amount Up to $102,965.00 Funded by the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Using a Sole Source Contract for the Fire Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0891
| 1 | 20. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize the Execution of Contracts with My Health My Resources of Tarrant County, Recovery Resource Council, Safe Haven of Tarrant County, and The Women's Center of Tarrant County in the Aggregate Amount of $199,500.00 to Provide Social Service Programs for the Fort Worth Community in Fiscal Year 2025, Find that the Contracts Serve a Public Purpose and that Adequate Controls are in Place
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0893
| 1 | 21. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Acceptance of a Grant from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs from the 2024 Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program a Federally Funded Program Providing Assistance for Low to Moderate Income Residents to Lower Home Energy Costs through the City of Fort Worth Weatherization Assistance Program, in an Amount Up to $600,000.00, Waive Indirect Costs of $17,366.25, Authorize Execution of Related Contracts and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0894
| 1 | 22. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 11) Authorize the Execution of a Contract with McClendon Construction Company Inc. in the Amount of $891,052.50 for Construction of the 2018 Railroad Trinity Railway Express at Haltom Road Project, Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Amendment No. 2 to an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, Approve the Temporary Closure of Haltom Road on Either Side of the Railroad Track, Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0895
| 1 | 23. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., Enercon Services, Inc., Freese and Nichols, Inc, Modern Geosciences, LLC, and Terracon Consultants, Inc., for Soil and Groundwater Remediation Services at City-Owned Facilities and Sites for an Annual Amount Up to $400,000.00 and Authorize Four One-Year Renewal Options in the Same Amount for the Environmental Services Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0900
| 1 | 24. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 2 and CD 11) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $395,459.54, the Addition of 135 Calendar Days to the Construction Contract with Urban Infraconstruction, LLC for Construction of the Fiscal Year 2018 Safe Routes to School Improvements Project for a Revised Contract Amount of $4,237,506.10
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0902
| 1 | 25. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Unit Price Contract with Nortex Concrete Lift and Stabilization, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,000,000.00 for Task Order Construction Services Related to Pavement Leveling Service Projects at Various Locations with Two Renewals for the Same Amount
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0914
| 1 | 26. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Ratify Execution of a Fair Housing Assistance Program Cooperative Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to Process Housing Cases for Fiscal Year 2024; Approve Acceptance of Funds in an Amount Up to $212,400.00; Authorize Moving $449,002.34 in Expenditures from the Grants Fund to the General Fund to Restore HUD Funds Spent on Expenses Deemed Ineligible under the Fair Housing Assistance Program for FY2017-2023; and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0916
| 1 | 27. | | Award of Contract Consent | (ALL) Authorize Amendment to Increase Annual Expenditures Under City Secretary Contract No. 51346 with LaSalle Corrections VI, LLC for Jail Intake Services by $434,150.00 Annually for a Total Annual Contract Amount Up to $4,184,150.00 for the Police Department
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0919
| 1 | 28. | | Award of Contract Consent | (CD 2, CD 3, CD 7, CD 9 and CD 11) Authorize Execution of Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. in the Amount of $550,000.00 for the Connecting the Core Mobility Plan for a Revised Contract Amount of $2,850,000.00 for the Butler Place Access and Development Plan Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 1. | | Claims | Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages or Injuries | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 1. | | Appointment | Board Appointment - District 6 | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | | Appointment | Board Appointment - District 8 | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Appointment | Board Appointment - At-Large | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 1. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, Setting the Regularly Scheduled City Council Work Sessions and City Council Meetings for January 2025 Through December 2025 | Adopted | |
Action details
| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (2015), as Amended, by Repealing Article II, “Amusements”, Division 6, “Game Rooms and Amusement Redemption Machines”, and Amending Chapter 23, “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions” to Add a Section to Prohibit Amusement Redemption Machines; Providing that this Ordinance Shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing a Savings Clause; And Providing an Effective Date | Adopted | |
Action details
M&C 24-0879
| 1 | 1. | | General - Report of CM | (CD 2) Conduct Public Hearing and Adopt Ordinance Designating Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 112, City of Fort Worth, Texas, for Property Located at 4900 Blue Mound Road for Expansion of a Cold Storage Facility for Americold Realty Trust, Inc., ART Mortgage Borrower Propco 2010 - 5 LLC., or an Affiliate
(PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Cherie Gordon; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C)
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0880
| 1 | 2. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 2) Authorize Execution of a Seven-Year Tax Abatement Agreement with Americold Realty Trust, Inc., ART Mortgage Borrower Propco 2010 - 5 LLC, or Affiliate, for the Expansion of a Cold Storage Facility at 4900 Blue Mound Road in Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 112, City of Fort Worth, Texas
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0881
| 1 | 3. | | General - Report of CM | (CD 10) Conduct Public Hearing and Adopt the Attached Ordinance Designating Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 111, City of Fort Worth, Texas, for a 15.836 Acre Greenfield Site in Proximity to the Perot Field Fort Worth Alliance Airport to Locate a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Facility for Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services, LLC or an Affiliate
(PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Cherie Gordon; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C)
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0882
| 1 | 3. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 10) Authorize Execution of a Seven-Year Tax Abatement Agreement with Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services, LLC, or Affiliate, for Development of a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Operation Facility for Commercial Aircraft and Related Parts at an Approximately 16-Acre Greenfield Site in Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 111, City of Fort Worth, Texas
| | |
Action details
M&C 24-0883
| 1 | 4. | | General - Report of CM | (CD 9) Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Extending the Term of, and Approving Amended Project and Financing Plans for, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. Three, Also Known as Downtown TIF, City of Fort Worth, Texas
(PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Michael Hennig; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C)
| Approved as amended | |
Action details
| 1 | 1. | | Zoning Case | (CD 6) Thomas Barkowski / Westwood Professional Services, South of Brewer Road; northeast of Tarleton Way and north of Chisholm Trail Parkway (13.78 acres) Consider site plan on property zoned PD1090 Planned Development "PD/D" Planned Development for all uses in "D" High Density Multifamily (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) | Continued | |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Zoning Case | (CD 11) NMS Investments/Shamin Naem, 1405 Weiler Boulevard, (0.39 acres) From: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted To: "FR" General Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) | Denied | |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Zoning Case | (CD 11) Trinity Phoenix LLC/Felix Wong, 519-521 (odds) and 601 Paradise St. & 518, 519, 520 Baurline St. (0.905 acres) From: "A-5" One-Family Residential To: "PD-CR" Planned Development for all uses in "CR" Low Density Multifamily, excluding government office, museum, and country club; development standards for a reduced projected front yard setback, a reduced setback adjacent to one- or two-family residential district, and a reduced open space requirement; site plan included. (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning Commission to remove Units #1, #6 and #10 from the site plan) | Continued | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Zoning Case | (CD 2) 2SP Family LLC/Kyle Poulson, 2000 Belle Avenue, (4.39 acres) From: "A-5" One-Family Residential To: "PD-E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus warehouse; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 5. | | Zoning Case | (CD 9) Logan Ellis, 2901 Weisenberger Street, (0.09 acres) From: "B" Two-Family To: "UR" Urban Residential (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Week) | Continued | |
Action details
| 1 | 6. | | Zoning Case | (CD 2) Zion Christian Church/Alicia Watson, 3200 McKinley Avenue, (0.64 acres) From: "A-5" One-Family Residential To: "CF" Community Facilities (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 7. | | Zoning Case | (CD 8) Cooper Conger/New Pad Building Company LLC, 1024 E. Daggett Avenue, (0.08 acres) From: "J" Medium Industrial To: "R1" Zero Lot Line/Cluster (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 8. | | Zoning Case | (CD 9) Rob Foster, Topographic / Altamesa Church of Christ Inc., 4600 Altamesa Boulevard (1.80 acres) From: "A-5" One Family To: "CF" Community Facilities (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) | Continued | |
Action details
| 1 | 9. | | Zoning Case | (CD 8) Cooper Conger / New Pad Building Company LLC, 2013 Renner Avenue, (0.16 acres) From: "I" Light Industrial To: "B" Two-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 10. | | Zoning Case | (CD 8) TFG Burleson LP / Brandon Middleton, Kimley-Horn, 11800, 12204, 12212, 12220, 12230 & 12236 South Freeway, (21.40 acres) From: "I" Light Industrial; "K" Heavy Industrial To: "G" Intensive Commercial (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 11. | | Zoning Case | (CD 11) Jose Rojero / Darryl Brewer, 3506 & 3510 E. Lancaster Avenue, (0.69 acres) From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "FR" General Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) | Denied | |
Action details
| 1 | 12. | | Zoning Case | (CD 4) City of Fort Worth Council Initiated Rezoning, Generally bounded by North Freeway to the west, Basswood Boulevard to the north, Sandshell Boulevard to the west and Corrine Drive to the south, (40.30 acres) From: "I" Light Industrial, PD 1390 Planned Development for all uses in "I" Light Industrial plus hotel To: "G" Intensive Commercial, "CF" Community Facilities; CUP for automated car washes in "G" Intensive Commercial; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
Action details
| 1 | 13. | | Zoning Case | (CD 3) MSFW / Byron Henderson, 3408, 3420, 3428, 3436, & 3440 Clayton Road; 3415, 3412, 3429, & 3437 Indale Road, (4.20 acres) To: Amend PD 1375 "PD-CF" Planned Development for "CF" Community Facilities excluding Community Homes, Group Home l & Group Home ll with development standards to allow parking in the front yard and to reduce the setbacks and to allow parking across campus; site plan waiver requested (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
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| 1 | 14. | | Zoning Case | (CD 4) NTP 35, LP /QTR Corp / Kimley Horn, 8650 Harmon Road, (4.81 acres) To: Add required Site Plan for PD 1275 Planned Development for all uses in "I" Light Industrial to include 60 ft. setback adjacent to residential, 40 ft. landscape buffer, masonry screening wall/I-35 overlay; site plan required (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
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| 1 | 15. | | Zoning Case | (CD 3) Uncommon Sense 8 LLC / Westwood Professional Services, 11711 Blue Creek Drive; 4101 Lost Creek Boulevard, (4.07 acres) To: Amend PD 1182 to allow office and accessory buildings, located on club house lot only, developed to "E" Neighborhood Commercial standards with the following development standards: parking, no dumpster enclosure, 8 ft. wrought iron fence in the front yard; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) | Approved | |
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| 1 | 16. | | Zoning Case | (CD 5) Fort Worth Housing / Child Care Associates / Mary Nell Poole, 5033 Ramey Avenue and 5105 Ramey Avenue, (2.4 acres), To: Add Conditional Use Permit "CUP" for child care in "A-5" One-Family; site plan required / Stop Six Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) | Continued | |
Action details
M&C 24-0872
| 1 | 1. | | General - Report of CM | (ALL) Adopt Forty-Fourth Supplemental Ordinance Authorizing Issuance of City of Fort Worth Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2024C, in the Aggregate Principal Amount of $125,000,000.00, Approving Sale of the Bonds to the Texas Water Development Board, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0878
| 1 | 2. | | General - Report of CM | (CD 8) Authorize Acceptance of an Urban Outdoor Recreation Grant of Up to $1,500,000.00 from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department for Sycamore Park; Authorize the Use of 2022 Bond Program Funds Up to $1,500,000.00 for a Grant Match, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan (2022 Bond Program)
| Approved | |
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M&C 24-0918
| 1 | 3. | | General - Report of CM | (ALL) Adopt Updated Staffing and Salary Ordinances for the Police Department Effective October 1, 2024, to Reflect Changes Associated with the Approval of a New Meet and Confer Agreement and Addition of One Officer Position in Connection with the Award of a De-escalation Grant
| Approved | |
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M&C 24-0908
| 1 | 1. | | Land - Report of CM | (CD 6) Authorize the Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 58.865 Acres of Land Located in the Stephen B. Wilson Survey, Abstract 1676, and the J.M. Muhlinghaus Survey, Abstract 1157, Tarrant County, Texas From Crestview Farm 250, L.P. and ShennaCo Holdings, LLC for the Open Space Conservation Program in the Amount of $1,590,100.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to $47,000.00, Authorize Up to $35,000.00 for Pre-Acquisition Costs, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program)
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0855
| 1 | 1. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 5) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Eagle Contracting, LLC in the Amount of $98,319,734.00 for Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Primary Clarifiers Improvements, Provide for Project Costs for a Project Total in the Amount of $100,131,763.00, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0858
| 1 | 2. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (ETJW-CD 3 and CD 7) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2, in the Amount of $14,666,092.00, to an Engineering Agreement with Plummer Associates, Inc. for the Mary’s Creek Water Reclamation Facility Project, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program for a Revised Contract Amount of $21,497,288.00
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0887
| 1 | 4. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 11) Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreement with David Villavicencio and Berta Garcia for the Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling of Approximately 2,178 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least $206,565.00 on Property Located at 108 E. Mason Street, in the Worth Heights Neighborhood and within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Area Six
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0890
| 1 | 5. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 11) Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreement with Jairo Abram Valdez and Felisa Valdez for the Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling of Approximately 1,685 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least $169,000.00 on Property Located at 3421 Strong Avenue, in the Polytechnic Heights South Neighborhood and within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Area Six
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0898
| 1 | 6. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 4) Authorize Execution of a Construction Manager at Risk Contract with Steele & Freeman, Inc. with a Construction Phase Fee of 3.0%; Accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price of $9,936,177.00 for the Construction of a New Fire Station 37 within a Project Budget of $12,942,672.00, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2024 – 2028 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program)
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0899
| 1 | 7. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 6) Authorize Execution of a Construction Manager at Risk Contract with Steele & Freeman, Inc. with a Construction Phase Fee of 3.0%; Accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price of $9,613,329.00 for the Construction of a New Fire Station 26 within a Project Budget of $12,389,032.00, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2024 – 2028 Capital Improvement Program (2018 Bond Program)
| Approved | |
Action details
M&C 24-0901
| 1 | 8. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (CD 3) Authorize Execution of a Construction Manager at Risk Contract with Batson-Cook Company with a Construction Phase Fee of 3.5%; Accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price of $9,375,500.00 for the Construction of a New Fire Station 16 within a Project Budget of $14,113,534.00, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2024 – 2028 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program)
| Approved | |
Action details
Not available
M&C 24-0915
| 1 | 9. | | Award of Contract - Report of CM | (ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreements with Fort Worth, Keller, and Northwest Independent School Districts, as Well as Lena Pope Home, Inc., to Operate the School Resource Officer Program, for Fiscal Year 2025 in the Total Amount of $8,539,695.26 as Funded by the Crime Control & Prevention District
| Approved | |
Action details