Meeting Name: CITY COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/12/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, "OLD" City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-4717 11. Special Presentations, IntroductionsRecognition for National Nurse Practitioners Week   Action details Video Video
24-4718 12. Special Presentations, IntroductionsRecognition for National Injury Prevention Day   Action details Video Video
24-4719 13. Special Presentations, IntroductionsRecognition to the Cristo Rey Fort Worth High School Soccer Team   Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0956 11. General Consent(CD 10) Authorize the Execution of a Facilities Lease Agreement with AVX Aircraft Company for Approximately 4,320 Square Feet of Industrial and Warehouse Space Located at 2008 Eagle Parkway, Fort Worth, Texas, 76177 within a Portion of what is Known as the Chemical Maintenance Storage Building #3 at the Alliance Fort Worth Maintenance Facility Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0963 12. General Consent(ALL) Approve Tradition Municipal Utility District No. 2B of Denton County Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024 - Consent to Issue in an Amount Not to Exceed $3,620,000.00 Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0965 13. General Consent(CD 9) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 to the Architectural Services Agreement with William Tharp Architects, PLLC, in the Amount of $187,092.00 for a Revised Contract Value of $917,092.00, to Provide Architectural Design and Construction Administration Services for the 2022 Bond Fire Station Community Center (2022 Bond Program)  Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0967 14. General Consent(ALL) Authorize an Increase to the Contract Compensation Authority for the Remaining Term of a Sole Source Vendor Contract with LeaseAccelerator, Inc. through November 30, 2025 for Quarterly License Fees for the LeaseController Software License in an Additional Amount Up to $32,000.00 from Fiscal Year 2025 Approved Budgeted Funds Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0969 15. General Consent(ALL) Ratify Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, FY25 Regional Tire Collection Events Grant Funding from the North Central Texas Council of Governments in the Amount Up to $3,000.00, Authorize Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with North Central Texas Council of Governments for Reimbursement of Cost of Scrap Tire Collection Events, and Adopt Attached Appropriation Ordinance Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0981 16. General Consent(CD 7 and CD 9) Authorize the Temporary Closure of a Section of W.R. Watt Drive from Trail Drive to Burnett-Tandy Drive, Burnett-Tandy Drive from W.R. Watt Drive to Gendy Street, Gendy Street from Harley Avenue to Lancaster Avenue, Harley Avenue from Gendy Street to Trail Drive, Linden Avenue from Trail Drive to the Cell Tower Entrance, Lansford Lane from Montgomery Street to Gendy Street, Trail Drive from Lancaster Avenue to University Drive, Farm House Way from Trail Drive to Foch Street from January 13, 2025 to February 9, 2025; Trinity Park Drive from University Drive to Foch Street on January 23, 24, 27, 29, 30 and February 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2025 for the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0983 17. General Consent(ALL) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Receipts and Appropriations in the Special Donations Life to Date Fund in the Amount of $38,164.50 to Support Training and Certification Programs and Other Police Related Activities and Amend the Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0984 18. General Consent(ALL) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the State Asset Forfeiture Fund in the Amount of $400,478.00 for Fiscal Year 2025 to Continue Previously Approved Projects that Impact the Safety, Wellness, and Resiliency of the Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Community Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0987 19. General Consent(ALL) Ratify Application for and Authorize Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2024 Homeland Security Urban Area Security Initiative Grants from the United States Department of Homeland Security through the State of Texas, Office of the Governor, in an Amount Up to $3,014,543.17, Approve Execution of All Applicable Grant Contracts, Adopt Resolution and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0988 110. General Consent(ALL) Adopt Resolution Reappointing Mark Weibel as Hearing Officer in and for the Fort Worth Parking Violations Bureau and Designating the Hearing Officer to Conduct Hearings and Appeals Pursuant to Chapters 7, 10, 12.5 and 22 of the City Code and to Perform Other Assigned Duties Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0990 111. General Consent(CD 5) Authorize Payment in the Amount of $190,290.20 to the Texas Department of Transportation Due to Construction Cost Overruns for the Cooks Lane and Brentwood Stair Road Highway Safety Improvement Project (2022 Bond Program) Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0991 112. General Consent(ALL) Ratify Pay Rate Adjustments for Hearing Officer Mark Weibel to be Effective October 1, 2024, and October 1, 2025 and Adopt Resolution Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0995 113. General Consent(CD 8) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Provide Funding for the FY25 Green Ribbon Program Project in the Amount of $300,000.00, and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program)  Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0999 114. General Consent(CD 6) Authorize Payment in the Amount of $289,394.90 to the Texas Department of Transportation Due to Construction Cost Overruns for the South Hulen Street and Oakmont Boulevard Highway Safety Improvement Project Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-1001 115. General Consent(ALL) Adopt City of Fort Worth Public Art Annual Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2025 Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0980 116. General Consent(ALL) Ratify Application for, and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded, United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, One Safe Place, FY23 Project Safe Neighborhood Grant to Occur in Fiscal Years 2025-2026 in an Amount Up to $200,000.00, Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0955 11. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of a Sole Source Agreement with Holt Texas, LTD. to Purchase Original Equipment Manufacturer Caterpillar Parts for the Property Management Department in an Annual Amount Up to $1,080,000.00 and Authorize Four One-Year Renewal Options for the Same Amount  Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0961 12. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Municipal Valve & Equipment Company, Inc. for the Purchase of Ball Valves for Vertical Turbine Water Pumps for the Water Department in an Amount Up to $934,633.00 for a Three-Year Agreement Term Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0968 13. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of an Amendment to City Secretary Contract 60522 with Texas AirSystems, LLC Using The Interlocal Purchasing System Contract Number 220106 for Comprehensive Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Services to Increase the Annual Amount by $959,800.00 for a New Annual Amount Up to $1,089,800.00 for the Water, Aviation, and Property Management Departments Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0970 14. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Agreements with Facilitech, Inc dba Business Interiors Using Various Cooperative Agreements as an Authorized Dealer for Various Manufacturers for the Purchase, Design, and Installation of Furniture for All City Departments Housed at New City Hall for a Combined Amount Up to $1,500,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four Consecutive One-Year Renewal Options for $1,725,000.00 for Renewal 1, $1,983,750.00 for Renewal 2, $2,281,313.00 for Renewal 3, and $2,623,509.00 for Renewal 4 Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0972 15. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with Norfolk Bearings & Supply Co., Inc, Purvis Industries, LLC, and Roger Brown Co. LLC for Industrial Bearings for the Water Department in an Aggregate Annual Amount Up to $350,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four One-Year Renewals for the Same Annual Amount Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0974 16. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreement with SID Tool Co., Inc. dba MSC Industrial Supply Co. Using Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract #02-150 for Maintenance, Repair, and Operation Products and Services for an Annual Amount Up to $1,800,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Three (3) One-Year Renewal Options for an Amount Up to $1,980,000.00 for the First Renewal, $2,178,000.00 for the Second Renewal, and $2,395,800.00 for the Third Renewal for All City Departments Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0975 17. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreement with Douglas Food Stores Inc DBA Douglas Equipment Using 791 Purchasing Cooperative Agreement RFP #2021-07-001 for Food Service Equipment and Supplies for New City Hall for an Annual Amount Up to $109,762.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Five (5) One-Year Renewal Options for an Amount Up to $131,714.00 for the First Renewal, $158,057.00 for the Second Renewal, $189,668.00 for the Third Renewal, $227,602.00 for the Fourth Renewal, and $273,122.00 for the Fifth Renewal for the Property Management Department Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0962 11. Land Consent(CD 3) Amend Mayor and Council Communication 24-0582 to Authorize the Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 0.90 Acres Located at 4350 Southwest Boulevard, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76116 from Sandy McBride, Aneta Leigh McBride, Elizabeth A. Thompson, The Estate of R. E. McBride, and The Estate of Roy T. McBride in the Amount of $80,000.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to $5,000.00 for a Total of $85,000.00 for the Trail Gap Bomber Spur Project Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0964 12. Land Consent(CD 3) Amend Mayor and Council Communication 24-0497 to Authorize the Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 1.517 Acres Located at 4350 Southwest Boulevard, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76116 from Richard H. Barrett, Jr. and Renee Barrett Johnson in the Amount of $142,584.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to $10,000.00 for a Total of $152,584.00 for the Trail Gap Bomber Spur Project Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0966 13. Land Consent(CD 2) Authorize the Conveyance of Easements and Rights-of-Way Along Angle Avenue to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, Being Approximately 1.03 Acres for a Right-of-Way Easement in the Louis Cahen Survey, Abstract Number 297, and the Richard Vickery Survey, Abstract Number 1591, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for Electrical Equipment and Appurtenances Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0950 11. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of Contract with Day Resource Center for the Homeless Doing Business as DRC Solutions for Up to $150,000.00 for Street Outreach and Find that the Contract Serves a Public Purpose and that Adequate Controls are in Place Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0952 12. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize an Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 56024 with SHI Government Solutions, Inc. for the Purchase of Software Licenses and Related Services, and to Increase the Contract Amount by $650,000.00 for a Total Annual Contract Amount of $2,150,000.00 for the Information Technology Solutions Department Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0953 13. Award of Contract Consent(CD 6) Authorize Execution of an Amendment to City Secretary Contract Number 48139, a Lease Agreement with West Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, to Add an Additional Three-Year Term and Three Additional One-Year Renewal Terms for Space Located at 5335 Bonnell Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76107 and Used as a Police Storefront by the Fort Worth Police Department Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0957 14. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive Unit Price Task Order Construction Agreements with Henry Franklin Manning dba Manning Concrete Sawing, Set-Apart Excavating & Services, LLC, Thomas 11 Development, LLC, and Ti-Zack Concrete, LLC in a Combined Annual Amount Up to $2,000,000.00 for the Initial Term with Four One-Year Renewal Options for the Development Services Department’s Small-Scale Infrastructure Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0959 15. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize Settlement and Payment in the Amount of $368,057.50 for Full and Final Settlement of All Claims Related to the Lawsuit Entitled FTCOFW, LLC v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 348-350322-24 in the 348th District Court, Tarrant County, Texas, and Authorize City Personnel to Execute and File the Necessary Documents to Dispose of this Lawsuit and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0973 16. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize the First Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 59692, a Professional Services Agreement with the Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau, to Fund Capital Projects to Benefit the Fort Worth Herd in the Amount of $400,000.00 Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0976 17. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Broadus & Associates, Inc. in the Amount Up to $1,200,000.00 for a Total Contract Value of $4,169,475.00, and Amendment No.4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Associates, Inc., in the Amount Up to $7,144,042.00 for a Total Contract Value of $13,441,818.00, for Design and Construction Administration Services, and Authorize Execution of Amendment No.3 Construction Manager at Risk Contract with Hunt/Byrne/Smith, a Joint Venture, in the Amount Up to $5,000,000.00, for a Total Contract Value of $86,752,135.00, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025 - 2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0978 18. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize the Acceptance of Reimbursement Funds for Overtime Expenditures in an Amount Up to $92,000.00 for Participation in the Federal Bureau of Investigation North Texas Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force for Fiscal Years 2025 - 2028, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance  Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0979 19. Award of Contract Consent(CD 7) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1, in the Amount of $584,600.00 and the Addition of 110 Calendar Days to the City Secretary Contract No. 60923 with Peachtree Construction, LTD for the 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing Contract No. 1 Resulting in a Revised Contract Amount of $5,838,045.70 Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0982 110. Award of Contract Consent(CD 6 and CD 9) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Peachtree Construction, Ltd., in the Amount of $3,165,234.23 for the Rehabilitation of Various Streets for the 2025 Asphalt Resurfacing Contract 4 Project at Various Locations Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0985 111. Award of Contract Consent(CD 6 and CD 9) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Cutler Repaving, Inc., in the Amount of $3,138,046.22 for the 2025 Hot-In-Place Recycling Contract 1 Project at Various Locations Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0986 112. Award of Contract Consent(CD 3 and CD 9) Authorize Execution of Change Order Number 2 in the Amount of $258,323.58 and the Addition of 40 Calendar Days to the Contract with Peachtree Construction Ltd., for the 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing Contract 5 Project for a Revised Contract Amount of $2,999,577.13, Adopt the Appropriation Ordinance and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0989 113. Award of Contract Consent(CD 11) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in an Amount Not to Exceed $283,785.00 to an Engineering Services Agreement with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., for the A.M. Pate Safe Routes to School Project for a Revised Contract Amount of $683,424.00, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program) Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0992 114. Award of Contract Consent(CD 8) Authorize Termination of City Secretary Contract No. 50902 as Amended and Authorize Execution of a New Hangar and Ground Lease Agreement for Approximately 65,907 Square Feet of Ground Space Known as Lease Site 31N-A and Authorize Execution of a New Ground Lease Agreement for Approximately 42,211 Square Feet of Ground Space Known as Lease Site 31N-B with Daniel Griffith at Fort Worth Spinks Airport Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0993 115. Award of Contract Consent(CD 5, CD 8, and CD 11) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with WSP USA Inc. in the Amount of $125,000.00 for the Eastside Transportation Plan (Formerly called East Lancaster Corridor and Sub-Regional Planning Study) for a Revised Contract Amount of $1,225,000.00, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0994 116. Award of Contract Consent(CD 7) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of $353,749.00 to an Engineering Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the Bryant Irvin Westside II/ Southside II Pressure Plane Transfer Phases 1-3 Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0996 117. Award of Contract Consent(CD 3) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 in the Amount of $64,140.00, to an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc., for Westside III Ground Storage Tank and Westside IV and V Pump Station Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0997 118. Award of Contract Consent(CD 2) Authorize Execution of a Contract with the Fain Group, Inc., in the Amount of $3,791,653.20 for the Long Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project (2022 Bond Program) Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-0998 119. Award of Contract Consent(CD 10) Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the Amount of $679,146.00 for the New Sendera Ranch Ground Storage Tank Project, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures from Proceeds of Future Debt Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-1000 120. Award of Contract Consent(CD 8, CD 9 and CD 11) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $160,000.00 for Increased Project Costs for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 118, and to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-1002 121. Award of Contract Consent(ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with the Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, Inc. D/B/A Arts Fort Worth in the Amount of $1,636,370.00 for Professional Management of the Fort Worth Public Art Program, Administration of the Competitive Arts Grant Program, Operation of the Community Arts Center, and Management Funding for the Rose Marine Theater for Fiscal Year 2025 Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-1003 122. Award of Contract Consent(CD 2) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 3 in the Amount $253,192.00 to a Contract with S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, LTD, for the Trinity River Vision, Phase 1 Project, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program  Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-1004 123. Award of Contract Consent(CD 2) Authorize Acceptance of Tarrant Regional Water District Reimbursement in the Amount of $20,362,472.19 in Relation to the Fort Worth Central City Expenditures Incurred by the City of Fort Worth Water Department and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances to Effect a Portion of Water’s Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvements Program Approved  Action details Not available
M&C 24-1005 124. Award of Contract Consent(CD 2) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $465,263.00 to the Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company for the Fort Worth Central City Project Water & Sanitary Sewer Main Relocations for the Fort Worth Central City Project, Section 1: Part 10 – Water & Sanitary Sewer Relocations - City Project Trinity River Vision Phase 1, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances to Effect a Portion of Water’s Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Not available
24-4583 11. ClaimsNotice of Claims for Alleged Damages or Injuries   Action details Not available
24-4580 11. AppointmentBoard Appointment - District 2Approved  Action details Video Video
24-4581 12. AppointmentBoard Appointment - District 3Approved  Action details Video Video
24-4721 13. AppointmentBoard Appointment - At-LargeApproved  Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0971 11. Award of Contract - Report of CM(CD 8) Conduct Public Hearing, Adopt Resolution Supporting the Application of Bair Holdings, LLC for a Municipal Setting Designation for the Property Located at 5921 and 5933 South Freeway (I-35W), Fort Worth, Texas, 76134 to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and Adopt Ordinance Prohibiting the Potable Use of Designated Groundwater from Beneath the Site Pursuant to Chapter 12.5, Article IV, Division 2 "Municipal Setting Designation" (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Daniel Miracle; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Denied  Action details Video Video
SP-24-010 11. Zoning Case(CD 6) Thomas Barkowski / Westwood Professional Services, South of Brewer Road; northeast of Tarleton Way and north of Chisholm Trail Parkway (13.78 acres) Consider site plan on property zoned PD1090 Planned Development "PD/D" Planned Development for all uses in "D" High Density Multifamily (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-063 12. Zoning Case(CD 11) Trinity Phoenix LLC/Felix Wong, 519-521 (odds) and 601 Paradise St. & 518, 519, 520 Baurline St. (0.905 acres) From: "A-5" One-Family Residential To: "PD-CR" Planned Development for all uses in "CR" Low Density Multifamily, excluding government office, museum, and country club; development standards for a reduced projected front yard setback, a reduced setback adjacent to one- or two-family residential district, and a reduced open space requirement; site plan included. (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning Commission to remove Units #1, #6 and #10 from the site plan)Continued  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-090 13. Zoning Case(CD 9) Rob Foster, Topographic / Altamesa Church of Christ Inc., 4600 Altamesa Boulevard (1.80 acres) From: "A-5" One Family To: "CF" Community Facilities (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)Continued  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-124 14. Zoning Case(CD 5) Fort Worth Housing / Child Care Associates / Mary Nell Poole, 5033 Ramey Avenue and 5105 Ramey Avenue, (2.4 acres), To: Add Conditional Use Permit "CUP" for child care in "A-5" One-Family; site plan required / Stop Six Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-023 15. Zoning Case(CD 11) Ayman Dalkomoni, Elizabeth Alvarez, Roberto Nunez, 4521 Miller Avenue, 4215 Chickasaw Avenue, (0.34 acres), From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "FR" General Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Denial with Prejudice by the Zoning Commission)Denied  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-065 16. Zoning Case(CD 8) Hazel Prophete / William K Turner / PTAH Group, 2117 & 2121 E. Maddox Avenue (0.321 acres) From: "FR" General Commercial Restricted To: "E" Neighborhood Commercial (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-070 17. Zoning Case(CD 11) JST Rentals / Billy Thomas, 4224 Nelms Drive, (0.22 acres) From: "I" Light Industrial / Stop Six Overlay To: "CR" Low Density Multifamily / Stop Six Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-085 18. Zoning Case(CD 11) United Investments Family LP / Ollin Collins, 1436 South Freeway, (0.11 acres) From: "A-5" One Family To: "B" Two-Family (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission)Denied  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-098 19. Zoning Case(CD 5) Ken Schaumberg, 3500, 3508 & 3518 State Highway 360 (56.9 acres), From: "AG" Agricultural To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-103 110. Zoning Case(CD 2) Revive Coffee LLC / Cassie Warren, 2503 & 2521 Roosevelt Avenue, (0.40 acres) From: E/HC" Neighborhood Commercial / Historic & Cultural Overlay To: "MU-1/HC" Low Intensity Mixed Use / Historic & Cultural Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-105 111. Zoning Case(CD 9) Cooks Children's Health Care Systems / Spencer Seals, Dunaway, 1598 W. Terrell Avenue, 815 & 895 8th Avenue, 908 & 1,000 Southland Avenue, (5.77 acres) From: NS-T5I Near Southside To: "G" Intensive Commercial (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-109 112. Zoning Case(CD 6) Mark Nastri, 2900 Hervie Street, 5337 & 5333 Lovell Avenue, (1.60 acres) From "C" Medium Density Multifamily To: "UR" Urban Residential (Recommended for Denial with Prejudice by the Zoning Commission)(Continued from a Previous Meeting)Continued  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-111 113. Zoning Case(CD 9) Texas Christian University / Philip Varughese, 2901, 2905, 2909, 2913, 2917, 2919, 2921, 2925, 2929, 2933, 2937 & 2941 Merida Avenue, 2950 Sandage Avenue, (4.49 acres) From: "CF" Community Facilities / TCU Residential Overlay To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed Use / TCU Residential Overlay] (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Not available
ZC-24-112 114. Zoning Case(CD 3) Texas Christian University/Philip Varughese, Southwest corner Pond Drive & W. Berry Street, (3.658 acres), From: "CF" Community Facilities / TCU Residential Overlay To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use / TCU Residential Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-113 115. Zoning Case(CD 9) Texas Christian University / Philip Varughese, 2700 W. Lowden Street, 2801, 2809, 2811, 2817, 2821, 2825, 2829, 2833 Merida Avenue and a portion of Merida Avenue, (5.10 acres) From: "CF" Community Facilities / TCU Residential Overlay To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use / TCU Residential Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-114 116. Zoning Case(CD 9) Texas Christian University / Philip Varughese, 2829, 2832, 2833 & 2839 Sandage Avenue, 2800, 2816, 2824 & 2826 McCart Avenue, 2600 W. Lowden Street (2.17 acres), From: "CF" Community Facilities / TCU Residential Overlay To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use / TCU Residential Overlay (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-115 117. Zoning Case(CD 9) Fort Worth Affordability Inc. / Daniel Smith-Ojala Partners, LP, 3100 and 3200 Hamilton Avenue, (8.01 acres), From: "C" Medium Density Multifamily, "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)Continued  Action details Not available
ZC-24-116 118. Zoning Case(CD 9) Fort Worth Affordability Inc./ Ojala Partners, LP, 3200 Sondra Drive, 140 & 158 Saint Donovan Street, 3200 Saint Juliet Street, (6.91 acres), From: "C" Medium Density Multifamily To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)Continued  Action details Not available
ZC-24-122 119. Zoning Case(CD 8) Holiday Market Inc. / Abdul Wafayee, 3005 Mansfield Highway, (0.34 acres), From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "F" General Commercial (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission)Denied  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-123 120. Zoning Case(CD 8) Allen Tucker / Danielle Tucker, 1203 E. Leuda Street, (0.115 acres), From: "A-5/HC" One-Family / Historic and Cultural To: "ER/HC" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted / Historic and Cultural (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
ZC-24-128 121. Zoning Case(CD 8) Donna VanNess, The Housing Channel / Ivan Gonzalez, South of Grayson Street and west of Wichita Street, 1.215 acres), From: "PD/1374/R2" Planned Development for one-family detached, one-family attached (townhouse) and cluster housing with development standards, site plan approved To: "PD/R2" Planned Development for Cluster Housing on a single lot, excluding the following uses: community home, country club (private), and golf course with development standards for parking, no minimum lot size and more than one dwelling unit per lot; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)Approved  Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0977 11. General - Report of CM(ALL) Adopt Policy for Approval of Resolutions Related to Applications to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 2025 Competitive (9%) and Noncompetitive (4%) Housing Tax Credits and Commitments of Development Funding from the City of Fort Worth Approved  Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0951 11. Land - Report of CM(CD 6) Authorize the Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 38.239 Acres of Land Situated in the A. Hodge Survey, Abstract No. 1789, Tarrant County, Texas from Jefferson Primrose Land Holdings, LLC, or Affiliate, in the Amount of $155,903.90 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to $15,000.00 for the Open Space Conservation Program, Authorize Up to $25,000.00 for Pre-Acquisition Costs, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program)  Approved  Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0958 12. Land - Report of CM(CD 7) Adopt Resolution Authorizing Condemnation by Eminent Domain to Acquire 0.017 Acres in a Right-of-Way Easement and Temporary Construction Easement from Real Property Owned by Gillis Johnson 2, LLC, Located at 6021 WJ Boaz Road and 7328 Gillis Johnson Street, in the Lake Crest Estates Addition, an Addition to the City of Fort Worth, Block D, Lot 2, Unit 1, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76179, for the WJ Boaz Road Widening Improvements Project (2022 Bond Program) Approved  Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0960 13. Land - Report of CM(CD 3) Adopt Resolution Authorizing Condemnation by Eminent Domain to Acquire 0.05 Acres in Right-of-Way and Temporary Construction Easement from Real Property Owned by SEJ Asset Management & Investment Company, Located at 6001 Camp Bowie Blvd in the Chamberlain Arlington Heights Addition, Block 56, Lot A-R, Tarrant County, Texas, for the Camp Bowie at Bryant Irvin Intersection Project (2022 Bond Program) Approved  Action details Video Video
M&C 24-0954 11. Award of Contract - Report of CM(CD 7) Authorize Execution of a Community Facilities Agreement with Crescent Property Services, LLC with City Participation in an Amount Not to Exceed $13,105,115.57 for the CFA-Camp Bowie Boulevard Improvements Project, Authorize a Waiver of the Community Facilities Agreement Application Fee, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution for Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program Approved  Action details Video Video