File #:
Zoning Case
Agenda Ready
On agenda:
Final action:
(CD 8) William G. Hornick / Rhett Bennett & Jennifer Holley, Black Mountain & Bob Riley, Halff, SE Corner of Lon Stephenson Road & Forest Hill Drive, (141.7 acres) From: "AG" Agriculture, "A-5" One-Family Residential, "CR" Low Density Multifamily, "F" General Commercial To: "PD/SU" Planned Development Specific Use for Data Center, educational uses, governmental uses (excluding correction facility and probation or Parole office), health care facilities, recreation, religious uses, utilities, grocery store, office, retail sales general; developed to "I" Light Industrial standards with development standard for building setback along Lon Stephenson minimum of 80'; no tree removal within 25' of Lon Stephenson Road southern ROW line; where no existing trees exist in the 25' buffer along southern Lon Stephenson right-of-way line, a minimum of 50% canopy tree planting will be planted and credited to the Urban Forestry requirements; Primary entrance and address request to the Data Center will ...
1. ZC-24-153
(CD 8) William G. Hornick / Rhett Bennett & Jennifer Holley, Black Mountain & Bob Riley, Halff, SE Corner of Lon Stephenson Road & Forest Hill Drive, (141.7 acres) From: "AG" Agriculture, "A-5" One-Family Residential, "CR" Low Density Multifamily, "F" General Commercial To: "PD/SU" Planned Development Specific Use for Data Center, educational uses, governmental uses (excluding correction facility and probation or Parole office), health care facilities, recreation, religious uses, utilities, grocery store, office, retail sales general; developed to "I" Light Industrial standards with development standard for building setback along Lon Stephenson minimum of 80'; no tree removal within 25' of Lon Stephenson Road southern ROW line; where no existing trees exist in the 25' buffer along southern Lon Stephenson right-of-way line, a minimum of 50% canopy tree planting will be planted and credited to the Urban Forestry requirements; Primary entrance and address request to the Data Center will be from Forest Hill Drive (See Staff Report); site plan waiver requested. (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)