(CD 3) PMB Rolling V South Land LP / Taylor Baird, 11701 US Hwy 377 S (710.37 acres) From: “A-5” One-Family, “R1” Zero lot line/cluster, “CR” Low Density Multifamily, “C” Medium Density Multifamily and “G” Intensive Commercial, To: Tract 1: PD/A-5 One-Family and PD/R-2 Townhouse Cluster; Tract 2: PD/R2 Townhouse Cluster, PD/D High Density Multifamily, and PD/G Intensive commercial, with development standards including but not limited to open space and multifamily design standards (see exhibit A in council packet); site plan waiver requested (Recommended for Approval with Site Plan required by the Zoning Commission)